Sales Leads in China


To obtain leads online that offline media was unsuccessful at attracting.

We were charged with the task of creating a Chinese-language online search engine marketing strategy directed towards industry professionals in China. Previous offline campaigns proved to be ineffective despite substantial investments in time & money. This campaign would obtain leads by tapping into the existing demand for searches related to high rise construction development standards & processes. We needed to recommend a web site strategy including landing page topics that would synergize with the campaign.


With assistance a translator we selected appropriate keywords & wrote text ads .The campaign launched in Chinese on 3 Search Engines: Google China, Baidu and Yahoo China. Based on our research we determined these three engines would be the best engines to reach our target audience. We tracked all visits through to conversion and worked at optimizing the campaign based on what we learned from site metrics.  The content of the website was written to ensure it is search engine friendly and search engine optimized for Baidu, Yahoo!, and Google. We recommended 4 landing pages related to the 4 most popular demand topics.  These landing pages provide search engines multiple entry points to the website, which increased our Client’s brand awareness and traffic. This strategy helped achieve a high quality score, meaning the site content was highly relevant to visitors which in turn reduced the bid required for first page ranking and ultimately reduced the overall costs of the search engine marketing campaign.


  • Over 73 million impressions
  • Over 50,000 unique visitors
  • Qualified Leads: over 4000% increase
  • Paused after 5 months?

After five months in market, our Client was overwhelmed with contact requests due to the success of the website and search engine marketing campaign and had to request that we pause the campaign as they did not have the man power to follow up on the leads obtained. Clearly, Metrik Marketing Inc provided a world class campaign that enables our Client to reach and engage their targeted audience.

This campaign was solely in Chinese. Visit our Multilingual Marketing Case Study to find out how we leveraged English & Spanish to reach victims for a Personal Injury Law Firm.