Happy Holiday Wishes to all of you, our Valued Clients!


From our wonderful team at


We, the Metrik Marketing Team, would like to wish all of our clients, past, present and future, a very Merry Holiday Season!

We have had the pleasure to adapt and grow with each of you through all of the ups and downs and everything in between. We want you to know that we truly appreciate all of you for trusting us, to partner with you, to help your business grow. We would like to share with you a few of the positively amazing things that have happened because you chose us!

We donate to Dyslexia Canada, a charity that helps many. Did you know that 1 in 5 people suffer from Dyslexia? We recognize that learning differences & neurodiversity may be a competitive advantage when embraced. We also donated to Kamloops and District Elizabeth Fry Society. This wonderful charity helps to improve services for marginalized women and children in the community. Kamloops has been in the media a lot this year and we recognized that individuals struggling in this community are some of the most impacted and supporting charities that can help create a positive generational impact is what we are hoping to do with our contribution. We help support locally in any way we can as well, from donating to the food bank to dropping off blankets or clothing to people in need. There is truly nothing like random acts of kindness to warm a person’s heart.

One of our greatest accomplishments in 2021 is that we helped our clients receive $124,506.86 USD in Google Grants! The Google Ad Grants Program gives nonprofits the chance to advertise on Google Ads at no cost to them. You could receive $10,000 USD per month to be used to promote your missions and initiative on Google.com if you are a non-profit organization that qualifies!

In addition to maintaining our annual certifications and embracing new opportunities for clients in the ever changing digital landscape, we are also excited to share that our amazing CEO, Kita Eserve, attended & trained as a facilitator for #IamRemarkable. IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to speak openly about their accomplishments in the workplace and beyond, thereby breaking modesty norms and glass ceilings. Learn more at g.co/IamRemarkable

We take pride in everything we do and continually aim to make a positive difference at Metrik Marketing. We respect each individual and always place our focus on what will make a genuine impact for your business!

We are very hopeful that the new year will bring a happy state of calm for everyone! We wish you all a warm and wonderful holiday season!

Please watch our Christmas video, it’s sure to make you smile!

Thank-you so very much,
The Metrik Marketing Team

Our greatest and most appreciated gift is a referral or positive review!

#m3tr1k #Iamremarkable #RAK #DyslexiaCanada #Elizabethfrysociety #googleadgrants #Greatestclientsever

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